Friday, November 14, 2008

Luke's Birthday!

Today was Luke's 5th Birthday! I can't believe that my baby is now 5!!!! He went to school dressed up in his new cowboy hat and gun. Yes, I know that his pants are on backwards but that is just how he likes them. His teacher, Miss Cami, is so good about letting Luke come in whatever outfit he wants. We just laugh about what he will think of next to wear. After school Luke went to play at his best friend Trenton's house. They always have a blast together.
When his brothers got home from school it was time to open all of his presents. He was
so excited! He knows that there is money in those envelopes if he
can get them open fast enough. His big gift was an Indiana Jones whip that he has wanted for months now. For his birthday cake Luke picked out farm animal candles. They were really cute. He wanted to save them for next year too.
I love my little guy so much! Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he sent me that little surprise. I have been so blessed with his sweet spirit! Happy Birthday Luke!


jamie said...

Hapyy Birthday Luke. hope you had the best birthday a 5 year old can have!

jlalvey said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE! We are waiting for the kids to get back from the "donors" house so we can call and SING (my fav) :) We didnt mail your gift cause we thought it would be fun to let you open it when you come down for Thanksgiving! We can't wait to see you all. Drive careful! Love you guys!

The Barb Chronicles said...

Where did you get those darling candles! Way cute! Glad your little man had a fun birthday. Talk to you soon.
