Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Family Vacation

For Christmas Justin took the family to Saint George for three days and nights. It was a big surprise (good job Justy for keeping it a secert for so long)! We ate out every night at places we don't have down in Kingman. It was so goooood to eat good food again! I think that I gained about 20 pounds! One of the things that the boys wanted to do the most was to go fishing. So we went to Quail Creek that is near St. George and fished for two days. The boys caught 8 fish the first day and 10 fish the second day. It was so cold that we only lasted about 2 hours each day but the boys had a blast.Clayton catching the biggest fish! Dad was right there to give advice and help.
Wade has no patience for fishing. He was running around, breaking sticks and throwing things at his little brother. So this fish was caught on Wade's pole but Clayton was watching the pole and helped reel in the fish. Great team effort!
This one Wade did catch on his own. He was so happy to be fishing again for about 2 minutes and then was bored with the whole thing again.Luke did really good for a 5 year old. He sat by his pole and waited patinetly for a fish to "eat his stinky cheese". He caught 4 fish total. Luke was so in love with his new friends that he wanted to bring them home and put the "Fishy Fish" into a bowl.
We met up with my grandparents for lunch at the Olive Garden. It is always so good to see them. My grandma always makes me laugh. She puts thing into perspective and is down to earth. But best of all she just laughs at my crazy boys and thinks that I am doing a great job at motherhood. That makes me love her even more.


jamie said...

looks like fun, glad THEY had a good time! what did you get to do? ;)

jamie said...

i need to meet your grandma, she sounds like fun

Stephanie said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Boys and fishing....they love it. I can't believe how big your boys have gotten, especially Luke.

tangleaz said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of Luke kissing the fish...definitely blow that one up to a 8x10 and make a special scrapbook page. Way too cute! Glad you are back safely!!

jlalvey said...

Looks like you guys had a nice little get away! By the way...we must have good taste in blog background choice's (or there isn't much to choose from) :) ...we did the same! your grandma sounds funny and fun to be around. Miss ya!-LA